sometimes, we cannot forget people or things. just like that old pillow that you hugged every night, thrown away but never forgotten. people are no different. we remember with a hint of regret, a longing for the past. yet we stay in the present with only an album in our heads, and another album in our hands.
It's been long since I blogged, but nevertheless, here's a post for the memories.
Everything's fine, and Zoe and I recently celebrated our 8 months together. Happy 8 months and 2 days dear! I love you! We actually went to the art museum for free because there was a wedding there until we got chased out cuz we needed to buy tickets and got caught by the guard. XD Still, it was a very fun day and we dressed up nice. (: I don't want this to end, I don't want this to lose momentum. I only want what can help us, love and grow for each other.
It's been a quick year, and there's only 2 months left. I hope next year's even faster, because I can't wait. XD
This is still my favourite song from Anberlin, one which i would (almost) religiously listen to everyday. I hope you find meaning in it too because it has given me a lot.
One last glance from a taxi cab Images scar my mind Four weeks felt like years Since your full attention was all mine The night was young and so were we Talked about life, God, death, and your family Didn't want any promises, Just my undivided honesty, and you said
Oh oh, things are gonna change now for the better Oh oh, things are gonna change, oh, they're gonna change
I am the patron saint of lost causes A fraction of who I once believed (change) only a matter of time Opinions I would try and rewrite If life had background music playing your song I've got to be honest, I tried to escape you But the orchestra plays on, and they sang
Oh oh, things are gonna change now for the better Oh oh, things are gonna change
[Chorus 2x] Hands, like secrets, are the hardest thing to keep from you Lines and phrases, like knives, your words can cut me through Dismantle me down (repair) You dismantle me You dismantle me
Give me time to prove Prove I want the rest of yours (prelude) Call this a prelude to a lifetime of you It's not that I hang on every word I hang myself on what you repeat It's not that I keep hanging on I'm never letting go
[Chorus 2x] Hands, like secrets, are the hardest thing to keep from you Lines and phrases, like knives, your words can cut me through Dismantle me down (repair) You dismantle me You dismantle me
Save me from myself Save me from myself Help me save me from myself Save me from myself
Oh oh, things are gonna change now for the better Oh oh, things are gonna change
[Chorus 4x] Hands, like secrets, are the hardest thing to keep from you Lines and phrases, like knives, your words can cut me through Dismantle me down (repair) You dismantle me You dismantle me
i just got another two week mc today. so i guess i'll be doing my own training at home, and hopefully, i'm not lazy enough to apply for my PDL.
recently, a lot has been going through my head, and i wonder if the sun will keep beating as hard. it's too hot these days to even take a stroll. i hope it's just the season and not global warming.
i wanna repair my electric, because the mirror seems to have some stain that can't be cleaned. and this time, i'll let them change the strings because i'm too lazy to do it myself.
i need to go back tekong tomorrow, to endorse my MC. i wonder if i'll see my friends.
it's a month plus since i blogged but the main 2 events that took up my time are NS and MC. it started as a small rash and it spread to both my limbs, and soon i couldn't walk. but now i can thanks to medication that could ruin my liver. anyhow, i'm going back to CGH on wednesday for a checkup and hopefully, i can go back to tekong.
during this MC period, i passed my BTT and we managed to celebrate our 3 months together.
although we were both ill, it didn't spoil our day or anything. i love zoe. (: she always cracks me up with the funniest things. and does the cutest things too. i gave her a bunch of purple flowers because it makes her happy. and she makes me happy too.
tomorrow, we'll be together for 2 months. i still remember how she said yes 2 months ago, under the setting sun, above the calm waves, surrounded by palm, sand and people, and the wind, and the slightly cloudy sky. we had ice cream before that. and a long walk by the beach.
tomorrow, i'll still be feeling the same way about her. with that sweet smile that never seems to fade and the same laughter that brought me to her. all i need to do for us is to love her, myself and us.
well, i'm going to serve my country next monday. so if war does break out, i hope i can save whoever reads this in time. 83 items upon enlistment and so many more to bring. honestly, i'm looking forward to it, and i can't wait to make new friends.
it's 8:45 and i've finished making zoe's present. it took me 3 days to make, so i hope she likes it. XD i'm waiting for her to come before we go to the zoo.
the weather is unforgiving these days, but i hope that today, mother nature can gimme a break. today is gonna be fun.
tomorrow's 1st of april, i think i might play a small prank on dear if she doesn't read this. XD we're still going strong, and she did the sweetest thing today. i think i fell for her all over again. (:
recently, i've been playing FFXIII. and my dad encourages me to play while my mum tells me to stop. i like it when dad's at home. XD
today, life was screwed up. the only 3 things good about today was: 1) i got my pay. 2) i'm still alive. 3) i'm still with zoe.
sometimes, i may not understand everything that goes on in life, but i'll do my best to cope with it. no, i'll do the best. and when it's tough, i'll try harder. still, it sucks when shit stares at you in the face and you know you gotta pick it up. obviously, it feels good to wash your hands and disinfect it afterwards. me? i'm still holding the shit. and i'm trying my best to bury it.
and i would never want it any other way. it has been and still is, a great time with zoe and it can still be greater. so many ideas, so many things, and all to make it better. she's been super nice and good to me, and i just hope that my best will make her feel like how i do, or even better.
i love the little things we do together.
the weather has been unforgiving though. i wish global warming was a government conspiracy sometimes.
i just finished watching all the episodes of K-ON! i can't believe that i watch these kinda shows. but it's good.
maybe it's a little too late to be worrying, but it's there and it's a piece of paper.
somehow, everything's gonna fall right into place. if we only had a way to make it fall faster everyday.
i'm gonna reach sch at 2. i'm gonna wait for my grades. i'm gonna take it. i'm gonna go straight home. and end up drinking either way. then think about how i wanna live my life. and dream about how my life could've been for better or worse.
today i spent the whole day with love, she looks even better today for some reason, and she looks so good when she smiles, it melts my heart every time.
i love it when it's scenic and just the two of us there, it makes the world go round. XD
i'm gonna have a good rest tonight, i'm still feeling the effects from natas. and tonight, i'll dream of someone who has made my dreams come true.
i just reached home and it's around 1. i've been sleeping at 1 and waking up at 8 for the past two days before staying at the booth for almost 12 hours straight everyday. and it has FINALLY, yes, FINALLY ended.
yesterday, my love made lunch for me in a box and brought it over to surprise me. i feel fortunate to have someone like her, and no one's ever packed lunch for me before. so it really gave me the strength to continue. everyday she'll visit me at the fair, i feel fortunate. (:
damage dealt to me by the fair: 1) sore throat 2) super blood shot eyes 3) loss of appetite 4) sick of japanese resorts 5) momentary fear of foreigners
i have my bacardi with me now, i'm gonna take 3 shots and try to K.O until i cannot see the blood in my eyes.
except that i dropped my bloody laptop and cracked a corner off.
natas fair was tiring, 12 hours of talking and hardly any breaks. at least i could get to see her today, it really made my day and drove me on to work. (:
i downloaded the Zero no Kotae song by Uverworld the day before. and i've played it 78 times on my itunes to this very sentence.
it's 5:24 am on this sentence. and i can't sleep, it's hot.
there's a baby lizard trying to make a habitat out of my desk, and i can't find it. i'm paranoid that it'll drop on my lap and i'll freak out. but not as paranoid as some other stuff. i sometimes wonder if i have grown up. that's why this time, i'm supposed to see for myself.
it has been a good few days, and i love it when she clutches tighter even if her hands aren't big. and when we gaze, i'm lost in her.
yesterday, i went with zoe to sentosa to experience the new stuff there. it was a really nice day with overcast skies and hardly any sun, but due to the rain, it was pretty humid.
still, we had a great time seeing all the stuff there. first we went to imbiah station which zoe thought was "imbah station" when we saw the map. XD
i took a picture with this goat because i'm born in the year of the goat.
then we took the luge down to beach station,where we decided to go for ice-cream.
here's what happens with zoe and ice-cream
before ice-cream
after ice-cream
the ice-cream guy was just weird. i said "can i have a macadamia surprise?" and he replied "strawberry surprise?" and i'm like "no, macadamia surprise" then when i asked for a taste test of berryfruit flavour, he almost went to scoop strawberry until i told him berryfruit AGAIN. sheesh.
if you ignore the upside down words that says no diving, it'll look like a sign saying "no surfacing"
i take pride in being able to center pictures well. (:
after the beach, we went to get airbrush tattoos, which i completely forgot to take photos of. XD but i got a sun tattoo and she got a butterfly tattoo. i think the sun tattoo makes me look tribal.
soon after, we went to finish our sky rides and luge rides, then went to Chili's (i think that's the name) at universal studios to eat. honestly, it wasn't very good, but the service was good. the waiter came every few moments to check on us, asking to give any comments.
oh, there was this huge Hershey's shop nearby, and a huge Hershey mascot walking around.
if only the choco bar was real.
by then it was already late, and after a quick stop at vivo, we went home.
i found a video of UVERworld this morning, with the song zero no kotae. watch it because it is super meaningful (a common trait in jap songs)
"they say people remember something before they die, if that's true i'll probably remember loving."
one time, i asked why people don't make wishes upon stars that stay there, because shooting stars don't last. someone told me that shooting stars are rare and better cherished, because they don't last. and just like that, life's brighter.
"but still i pray on the last day, that i'll remember being loved." -UVERworld
everyday passes so slowly, but yesterday was the slowest. went out with the fee, hei, zoe, tim and lim to celebrate early birthdays, and blow re-lightable candles. that was what we practically did.
i hope fee uploads photos soon. XD
oh, after lunch, there was this girl who was sleeping by herself at one of the tables. i dared tim 10 bucks to sit right in front of her and stare at her until she wakes up. he did it, and she gave him the evils when she woke up. i had to give tim 10 bucks. 10 dollars! i would rather give the 10 dollars to charity. oh wait, i already did when i gave it to him. XD *claps to myself*
at night, someone relied on me. i could be depended on. i'm glad.
sometimes, i can't understand why things have to be this way. when a reunion is done for the sole purpose of seeing old friends, someone gave all the wrong reasons for doing so. despite some facts, it seems that there's just no point when the class was meant to be this segregated.
i just came back because my dad decided not to play till 2-3. so i can finally sleep till the sun burns through my eyelids. i need to exercise tomorrow. it's been eating, gambling and sleeping these days. unhealthy.:(
this lack of sleep is really getting to me. i slept at 3, woke up at 7 just now. and the best part? i've gotta stay awake till at least 2-3am to play cards at my uncle's.
i think i'll intoxicate myself with pineapple tarts till i fall to the ground.
sometimes, when the world is against you and you don't realize it, life's a chore, so don't be no bitch.
well, tim just left my house moments ago after playing rock band and eating lunch. and i'm waiting for my bros to finish playing their resident evil 5 so that i can play my star wars.
yesterday was a reunion diner at my mum's side. had steamboat and champagne to drink last night, pretty nice.
anyhow, tonight's another reunion dinner at my dad's side. and i can see my new nephew and niece.
btw, i think UVERworld is my fav jap band of all time simply because their compositions are unique.
that's why.
oh, and my unicorn tattoo was badly smudged when i slept with a singlet last night, guess it rubbed onto my pillow while i was turning about. i could always get another fairytale i guess, but this fairytale still has an unfinished ending.
today, i went to play badminton with tim in the morning. normally, he's the one who's ALWAYS late, but today when i thought i was late, he still arrived later than me. -.- there was no one to play with in the hall today, damn boring.
then after badminton, tim almost tried his luck with chanel. luckily, i called fee so that she could stop him from losing his dignity completely.
after i went home, i rushed to pack and bathe. and met fee at outram park so that we can go vivocity and sentosa. here is fee's new haircut, although it wasn't a good shot, it was the only one i have. XD sorry fee.
apparently, both of us were sick of the city and needed cuff-links for various reasons. hmm, we had lunch at food republic (which by the way i think it kinda sucks) and went to sentosa.
so this is kung-fu panda and woody woodpecker coming out of one of the studios from universal studios. we were in the train and saw them below.
this is the new wave ride which i really wanna try, caught it at siloso beach.
went up to the underwater world area and found this peahen with her babies. fee seems to socialize well with animals.
anyway, just 3m away from that picture, i got my unicorn tattoo there. cool right? but it kinda smudged a little when i bathed just now. i feel conned. but i wanna get another when i'm going back there. XD
we actually went to ride the luge, but for obvious reasons, i couldn't take pics. and here's for the memories...
after sentosa, we ate at the soup spoon. and i got my cuff-links. damn nice right? btw, i think my censorship skills are superb, you can almost make out the brand but you can't see it clear.
ok, i've just let a friend down and i'm feeling the guilt. :( hmm, i shall not play star wars and go online next time. sorry!
anyway, it's 1 plus and all my muscles ache from jogging yesterday and playing badminton this morning and walking at sentosa. i'm gonna sleep and waste tomorrow by attempting to play pool by myself. :(
and because saying it is overrated, i'll show you the miracles of a mime.
today, someone discussed with me the big what if. what if our lives ended tomorrow. i'm sure no one has ever neglected that thought, and some embrace it to cope with it.
in 1 year. we can buy loads of stuff. we can celebrate every occasion with a bang. we can fall in love over and over again. or we can fall for one for the entire duration.
but if we lose the gift to live one more year, i'd make that day something to remember for.
hmm, i caught the imaginarium of doctor parnassus yesterday with zoe, and it is surprisingly very hard to give any comments on the movie.
i guess the imaginarium itself is complicated. it is like a willy wonka love story with a hint of madness. but heath ledger's last performance was really astounding. only johnny depp could compare to him, jude law and colin farrel are a bit of a disappointment.
in other news, we went up to the 7th story at iluma and i got zapped by this electric fence that looked like poles stuck in the ground. and they didn't bother to label it. -.-
i realise that linguine (my mouse) is damn active at night, running the hamster wheels and desperately trying to gnaw off that steel cage of hers. LUCKILY, she's fat now and can't squeeze through the cage bars.
i think today is going to be another damn boring saturday.
I guess my sunday and monday kinda sucked to the core. Flu is cramping my life, locking me indoors, making me kill trees and dope myself with meds. well, not dope but you get the idea.
hmm, cough syrup is really making me sleepy.
UGH how i long for the great outdoors. i've got a list of things in my head once the flu is gone. for now, staying indoors really kills my brain cells, and it bores me to death.
at least i got time to do stuff that i always complain i don't.
sometimes i'd see the bitter side of life, but that's okay because life's finite. so we won't laugh at the price of a tear, when we all drown deep in emotion.
regrets in life are all too heavy, because no one will look at us, only ourselves. so puck up and regret with pride.
when all you think is gone, it's gone. why bother when you can give up. when hope so frail chains the ailing spirit.
but then we don't give up, it's not logical, it's not our curse, we tell ourselves yes.
eventually the outcome is as it is, and we move on till we're 6 feet deep, just to make everyone we knew, remember us as it was.
and it works.
it's 12:29 but it feels like 3. time for my 3am indomee.
i'll regret, and come out wounded, but i'll pull through.
As the title suggested, this post is gonna be all about MILO! So if you don't wanna read it, just skip it.
Okay, so MILO! is the drink so sweet and chocolatey that dare i say, almost everyone loves it. so having drank MILO! since young, i would like to share my experiences of MILO! with everyone who reads this.
Likes about MILO!: 1) I only drink MILO! strictly with MILO! powder, and i take it in heaps. Usually up to half a cup of that glorious god-sent powder (sounds like drugs) stirred with hot water and then luke warm water. 2) MILO! is fabulous. 3) MILO! powder can be added to a cup of cold milk and stirred or just drunk when the powder become chunks. 4) MILO! can be made like step 1 but chilled and then MORE MILO! POWDER IS ADDED TO ENHANCE THE SWEET FLAVOURS (also it's about the chunks)
Dislikes about MILO!: 1) none.
so you see, besides all the other foodstuff and drinks (like the indomee supply in my cupboard that is quickly depleting) i love MILO!
I've been playing Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition and it just rocks so hard i can't stop.
oh yea, i drank two full glasses of option (3) MILO! yesterday. One in the afternoon and one before bed. I took half the container of powder.
I love days when i sleep at three and wake up at 2-3 in the afternoon thinking about how i wasted half of a perfectly great day sleeping like a log.
well today i woke up at 12 after sleeping at 1, then i sat at the couch and played PS3 all the way till 3:30. then tim called. "eh, wanna play badminton tomorrow morning?" me "hmm....can lor, or maybe you wanna play later?" tim "eh, i don't mind leh, let's play!" me "okay, let's play at 5."
so i'm home now after playing badminton. i feel so healthy now.
currently, i'm giving my bro tuition, and it seems that i blog while i'm giving him tuition. at least he's listening to my advice.
tomorrow, we're going to fee's house to cook dinner before she goes back to medan. it seems like forever that we've been friends, and i hope it lasts when we go our separate ways in the not too distant future. because not all good things come to an end.
Hello! I'm actually blogging! So yea, with all the usual reasons for not blogging, i feel like closing down this blog, but heck, i'm lazy!
Right at this moment, i'm giving my brother tuition, and he's doing stuff i gave him. XD hmm....december was great, i mean after the A'levels, i basically went overseas and did loads of stuff. to me, December of 2009 was too good to be only kept in my brain (hence, i'm not intending to share it here.)
anyway, yesterday clarence and i went to play pool (in which i lost almost all the games because i haven't been there in months.) then we went to this filipino(how to spell?) place for dinner... and on the menu, i ordered a set of BBQ CHIX yes! BBQ CHIX! my initials are CHX and i don't know why but everyone pronounces it as chix, so i practically had myself for dinner.
haha, with so much free time, i've been out a lot lately so i hardly blog and i will hardly blog in the future because NS enlistment is in April 26.
so far, life's good when you wake up and realise you don't have school today. or when you play and remember that there's no homework. but the only worry now is in March.
anyway, an explosion in a supernova reaches 55million degree celcius. and that's why i love national geographic, even though i didn't get the job there.