Sunday, September 14, 2008

memories, such a waste.

well, since i'm blogging, it means my promos are over.
so far so good, i done my best.
good luck to Timothy, Fiona, Limter and Heidi for their promos which are coming soon.
we'll all soon meet up again.

recently, it's been the "do what you want because promos are over" days, and so i've been going out often.
haha, it makes good memories, and i'll keep them.

i just watched the bucket list and cried, a little.
life isn't that long, and we should cherish all the memories we have.
never forget who you were and dare to face those whom you've let down.

i've been listening to a lot of metal recently, and i find it not bad. haha, still learning to play it though.

well, i'll be doing stuff over these few days, away from the computer, so i guess it's till next time world.

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