Thursday, September 18, 2008


Now at mac-cafe, doing PW.
can my post-promos get anymore boring?
why yes it can.
i can just rot at home on top of the toilet bowl wondering why in the world i'm there when i'm not even taking a dump.

school shmool.
it was kinda boring, not worth blogging about.
but i went to joel's place to watch FRIENDS with brandon.

i am now officially kissed by the sun.
skin's peeling like skin peeling.

i think i'll go to school tomorrow.

mc-cafe's pretty empty, maybe because everyone's having their promos.
btw, good luck to those having their promos now.

anyone wants to know something?
i'm = = = = = , = = = =.
as if anyone wants to know that.

when YOU read this, just drop me a random message about something, like what you wanna do or something like that.
don't know why, but it sounds kinda cool.

OMG FOB's new album is coming out and i'm pre-ordering it!!!!!

27th is the date i'm going to watch F1, so please don't ask me out for anything important than this, unless of course, it IS more important than F1.

back to post-promos work.

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