Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"The End" before you even saw it coming.

I'm still in love with japanese music.
Especially those that fall under the pop/rock/metal category, it's unique.

Oh yea, i just realised that i'm a Fall Out boy and Fall Out 3 fan.
so i'm a Fall Out Fan.
haha, FOF anyone?

today was already so tiring, after sports day, guitar practice seemed to last much longer, but we made good progress.
i can't believe i have tuition tomorrow and i forgot.
i also have a physics test tomorrow.
and friday...well, there's service learning.

i just can't wait for the weekends, where it's just me, and the PS3.

i met timothy yesterday at ehub, apparently he was studying there, so i paid him a visit to talk about stuff.
the last time we met was...back when fiona and i went to surprise him at his house for his 18th birthday.
i still remember what we bought, and when fiona and i were paying for it at NTUC, it seemed so scandalous.
haha, i just can't wait where all of us can get together and do something random again.
because the past few times that we (heidi, fiona, tim, lim, sonia and i) went out, everything had a time constraint.

school is taking a toll on me, but if i pull through, i know i'll feel great.
badminton competition on saturday 8 to 12, i'm playing singles AND doubles on the same day.
i hope i win something (like sport shop vouchers)

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